A Virtual Musical Theatre Event for All Ages!
Looking for a great family activity? Join Barrington’s White House and the Family Fun Players for a virtual musical theatre performance of “Cinderella,” on Sunday, October 25 at 1:00 p.m. Adapted by Eileen Mitchell and directed by Julie Price, enjoy all your favorite characters plus a few new friends! First 25 to register will receive a $10 gift certificate to Ice Cream Social!
Eileen Mitchell has won humor writing awards from Thurber House, The Will Rogers Writers’ Workshop, and The Robert Benchley Society. She was also featured Writer of the Month via the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop, and had plays produced in San Diego, Chicago, and Off-Broadway at The Manhattan Repertory Theatre.
“We believe that we have to find a way to keep theatre in our lives, especially for the children. We will do our best to put together shows that are safe for our actors and then record them for our audience,” says director, Julie Price. “The actors will maintain a social distance since they won’t be wearing masks. It’s important for our audience to be able to see our animated expressions, and to hear us clearly for them to escape with us into Cinderella’s world.”
To view these virtual events, please register at www.barringtonswhitehouse.com/events. For more information about accessing this event online, please contact Kate Himes at 224.234.4018 or kate@kateify.com.