Keeping It Local by Cliff Horn of A. Horn Masonry Contractors

Barrington's White HouseUncategorized


Cliff Horn of A. Horn Masonry Contractors located in Barrington, Illinois

Here’s what Cliff Horn of A. Horn Masonry Contractors, located on Harrison Street in the Village, has to say about being a mason and working on Barrington’s White House:

“By building Barrington’s first community center we’re providing local jobs.  And that’s a good thing.  For this project, we’ve taken all of this original stone, tagged it, carefully disassembled it, cleaned it, and then reconstructed it in the exact order that it was originally crafted.”

“How did I become a mason?  After I graduated from DePaul I wanted to work for my family business, which has been in Barrington since 1979, and my father trained me by having me work with the brick layer’s union for three years. I was definitely held to a higher standard.”